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Software Modernisation

We understand that modernising your software systems is about more than just updating a piece of software. We believe that software must provide value to the business and help drive innovation. It’s about embracing an ethos that allows you to embed and sustain change within your development culture. 

In order to support your business goals, you need software that can adapt and evolve with your changing needs. 

  • Are your goals the same as they were last year or three years ago?
  • What will they look like next year?

It’s important to build the ability to change into your development practices so that you can stay ahead of the curve. Softwire can help you modernise your technology estate using top-quality engineers and modern development practices. We’ll help you embed processes that will help you modernise what you have and evolve continuously over a period of time without accumulating technical debt.

Our team of experts will work closely with you to understand your specific needs and create a modernisation roadmap that fits your business objectives.

Don’t let outdated software systems hold your business back!

What are the benefits of Software Modernisation?

  • Drive revenue growth and efficiency
  • Reduce your IT Opex costs and maximise existing investment
  • Bring flexibility, agility and monitoring to your apps
  • Uncover new opportunities for revenue streams using technology

Why work with us

Over the years we successfully delivered many critical modernisation projects for a wide variety of businesses. Our key ingredients for success:

  • Pragmatism – We appreciate the investment you’ve already made – and we’d be looking to build on that, not just tell you to start from scratch.
  • Business Value – It’s not just about delivering a bit of code. We’ll ensure you have a sustainable tech platform that is easy to support in future 
  • Culture and Collaboration  – We create an environment for success with your internal team and provide space for autonomy and mastery by creating a shared sense of purpose.

This is where it’s important to engage with a trusted partner like Softwire. Our expert consultants work in collaboration with you to create and implement a strategic software modernisation roadmap and help you execute on that strategy.

View some of our successes

Modernising the voter registration service to support UK democracy

After modernising the UK government’s Register to vote service, equipping it to deliver exceptional performance and high availability under large and unpredictable loads, the service now runs in the cloud, has significantly reduced hosting costs and scales to meet sudden and significant surges in demand.

Replaced the underused legacy BBC Monitoring website with a powerful and engaging new web portal

The new platform showcases the quality of the BBC Monitoring service, improving engagement and usage numbers, increasing subscriber numbers and enabling a streamlined content-creation process for BBCM editors.

What is it?

  • Accelerated technical discovery and business value assessment to identify quick wins and get you started on your modernisation strategy.

How long does it take?

  • 1-2 weeks.

What do you get?

  • Deep dive into your key pain points and key opportunities mapped out
  • Key recommendations to drive efficiency and agility 
  • High level architecture design and modernisation roadmap

Let’s discuss your project