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The Softwire CTO toolkit

A guide to help CTOs successfully manage the many moving parts in a corporate technology function.

Regardless of the sector you’re in, technology will have revolutionised the way virtually every part of your operation works. Technology drives greater efficiencies, boosts sales, enhance customer experiences, and so much more.

With so many moving parts, it’s helpful to have a guide to refer to throughout your tenure.

Your toolkit at a glance

Your first 30 days:

Where to focus during your early weeks in post. Identify and tackle high-priority issues, while getting your people on-side and laying the groundwork to realise your longer-term vision.

Delivering long-term success:

Set out and implement a comprehensive strategy that enables your technology function to deliver on its mission

Comprehensive insights around the four main areas every CTO must address:

Projects and processes

Whether you’re delivering for internal or external customers, digital projects of all shapes and sizes will be at the heart of what you do. We help you lay the foundations for success.


Build a high-calibre team with the right capabilities and ethos.  We explore how to get people on side from the start, make the right appointments and continually evolve to meet changing requirements.


Identify and address the data risks that threaten your organisation. Then start using your data to better support strategic and operational decision-making, customer interactions and more.


Tackle any immediate risks posed by your technology, while setting out a roadmap to create an ecosystem that truly supports your strategic needs.

Download the guide