Why Consulting ?
In order to be successful organisations need to be flexible and agile so that they adapt quickly to changes in demand and get new features to market quickly. DevOps and Cloud provide a rich set of tools and techniques to help companies to achieve this, but adopting new ways of working is difficult and takes time. To help companies prioritise and implement changes, Softwire has launched a new consultancy service. It is designed to provide organisations with an external perspective, and challenge them to look at their whole development lifecycle. Once the need for change is established, the service helps organisations to enact change, mentoring team members and enabling companies to make quantifiable improvements to their processes.
DevOps Culture
The service has grown out of Softwire’s work with big names such as Ofgem and GDS, where collaborative working with Softwire has helped to embed and enhance DevOps culture and practices within their organisation. In their work with Ofgem, Softwire assisted in building a new application that enhanced the energy regulator’s levels of transparency, self-service and reporting. As part of the project the teams co-located in order to share the development cycle and ensure consistency, working in close proximity to make deployments quicker, shorten QA feedback cycles and migrate Ofgem’s legacy systems more easily. Once everything was in place, Softwire also guided the Ofgem team through the adoption of the new development practices and equipped the team to leverage and further refine those methods after the end of the engagement.
Postive Impact
The impact of the project has been immediate, both for Ofgem and electricity companies. Processes that required significant manual effort are now self-service and automated. Reporting is dramatically improved, and quality assurance is faster. Jonathon Artus, Head of Consulting, Softwire, discusses how he believes the success of this project was due to more than technical capabilities, ‘Ofgem wanted a self-sustaining culture and our time embedded with the development team has helped them to grow alongside the new application and gave them all the tools they needed. We have left them in full control of the source code and infrastructure, and they continue to benefit from the practices that we have developed alongside them. When we undertake our consultancy projects our goal is always to make ourselves unnecessary, training and mentoring your people and giving them fresh ideas, new skills, and a renewed energy in everything they do. We’re pleased to see the positive results this is generating.’
Artus further adds, ‘We’ve launched this new consulting service as we’ve seen great results helping organisations to get the most from DevOps practices and Cloud technologies. There are a lot of companies which are eager to digitally transform their business, but struggle to make it a priority. We want to share the knowledge we have gained over a large number of successful engagements and bring fresh ideas and new perspectives to organisations which could benefit from change. We believe in ongoing learning to stay fresh and relevant and continued introspection to grow and improve, and that’s a mindset we embed in our clients, as well as the foundation of our success.’